Special Webinars

NZPPA offers a range of special topic live webinars. Participants will receive webinar notes an hour before the webinar, along with being able to submit questions during the webinar. If a question cannot be covered or a participant has an additional question, they will have the ability to send questions to a dedicated email address after the webinar for up to a week.

IMPORTANT: To view any NZPPA webinar please ensure you can download Zoom or register for Zoom.  NZPPA will not provide a refund for any issues in not being able to view a Zoom purchase.  To download or register for FREE click here

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    NZPPA SPECIAL WEBINAR – ESSENTIAL HOLIDAYS ACT COMPLIANCE CHECKS (Early Bird Pricing) – 19 September 2024 (1 pm to 4 pm)

    The Holidays Act, with its complex calculations and lack of clear terms, tests or tools, has led to hundreds of millions of dollars (and counting) of underpayments to employees. This urgent issue underscores the crucial need for this webinar.

    This webinar aims to help payroll practitioners identify potential compliance issues with the Holidays Act. It does not aim to fix these issues (which will be covered in a follow-up webinar).

    The webinar will cover a wide range of areas that typically involve Holidays Act compliance issues as separate topics based on what has been seen in numerous NZPPA audits and the questions that come through to NZPPA.

    Member Price: NZ$310.00 + GST
    Non-member Price: NZ$350.00 + GST

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    SPECIAL WEBINAR: PAYROLL 101 –PAYROLL EMPLOYEE ONBOARDING (SETTING UP NEW EMPLOYEES), 26 September 2024, 9 am to 11.15 am (Early Bird Rate) $25 Off

    For payroll, properly setting up a new employee from day one is crucial to ensure accurate and timely payments. Without a clear onboarding process or an understanding of necessary steps, payroll processing—both short and long-term—can be compromised, leading to issues down the line.

    Attendees will receive detailed notes with numerous examples, and the webinar will be recorded, with a link to the recording provided afterwards.

    Member Price: NZ$145.00 + GST
    Non-member Price: NZ$165.00 + GST

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    NZPPA SPECIAL WEBINAR – CHRISTMAS PAYS 2024, 14 November 2024, 1 pm – 3 pm (Early Bird Rate) 25$ Off

    In this special annual webinar, all aspects of paying employees over the Christmas and New Year period will be covered for payroll.

    From how and when public holidays can be transferred to another day, to what is a closedown and the rules around them, what happens when annual holidays are taken when other leave situations occur and how all of these situations are calculated to meet Holidays Act requirements.

    Member Price: NZ$125.00 + GST
    Non-member Price: NZ$165.00 + GST

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    NZPPA SPECIAL WEBINAR: SMALL BUSINESS PAYROLL, 11 October 2024, 9 am to 12.15 pm (Early Bird Rate) 25$ Off

    Payroll is a crucial business function, and mistakes can lead to significant costs in terms of money, time, and effort.

    For small businesses, it’s essential to keep payroll straightforward—focusing on the principle of “KEEPING it SIMPLE.”

    A common misconception is that payroll is just about using a computerized system to handle everything with the push of a button. In reality, a payroll system is just one tool within the broader payroll process. Payroll encompasses all activities involved in ensuring employees are paid accurately and on time, including both manual and automated steps.

    Member Price: NZ$145.00 + GST
    Non-member Price: NZ$185.00 + GST

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    With a new government comes change and in 2024 we will start to see a range of changes that will impact the work we do in payroll. It is essential for payroll practitioners or anyone involved in payroll to keep up to date with the latest information so informed decisions for payroll can be made.

    NZPPA Payroll Legal Updates 2024 will run once every quarter (dates below) to give attendees the latest information provided by subject matter experts in employment law and tax.

    We will have guest and regular legal SMEs in both employment law and tax along with NZPPA insight on how changes will or could impact payroll.

    Member Price: NZ$255.00 + GST
    Non-member Price: NZ$355.00 + GST

    If you are an NZPPA Member, logon to get member pricing

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