Christmas Pays 2023

This webinar was hosted 14th December, 2023.

In this special webinar, all aspects of paying employees over the Christmas period will be covered for payroll. From how and when public holidays can be transferred to another day, to what is a closedown and the rules around them, what happens when annual holidays are taken when other leave situations occur and how all of these situations are calculated to meet Holidays Act requirements.

A comprehensive set of notes with numerous examples will be provided.

Webinar Content:

  • Does transferring a public holiday over the Christmas and New Year Period apply this year (what happens with the 25 & 26 Dec 2023 and the 1 & 2 Jan 2024 that fall on a Mon-Tue)?
  • Can a part or whole-day PH be transferred?
  • How shift work worked on these days is applied (especially when the employee is at work more than once a day).
  • What does the employee get if they work on a public holiday or a transferred public holiday?
  • What happens when the employee is on call over the Xmas season and works or does not work?
  • What is an otherwise working day for an employee and when can an employee get an alternative holiday?
  • How an employee can be forced to take annual holidays over the Christmas break.
  • Rules for a customary Closedown including the latest case law.
  • Effects of taking sick, bereavement or family violence leave after and when annual holidays have been planned to be taken.
  • What effect unpaid leave can have on the employee during this period?
  • Paying annual holiday pay in advance (when the pay office is closed at Xmas) and the two options available in how this can be taxed.
  • Termination pay during the period and what days, PHs are included or not.
Member Price: NZ$50.00 + GST
Non-member Price: NZ$100.00 + GST

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